WNBA Data Lives Here


Our pregame team forecasting provides you with essential insights, including the Probability of Winning, Predicted Over/Under, Predicted Spread, and the Seasonal Win/Loss Record between team matchups

Player Props

Proprietary AI modeling projects the performance of every player on the home and away team, based on inactive players. In seconds, the system generates improved or decreased performances on every projected stat for every player.

Hottest Props

Our AI predicts that these players will have a top performance based on historical data and recent performance. Players must appear on at least 3 or more of Top 10 statistical lists based on position.

Diamonds in the Rough

Sleepers! Our AI predicts that these players will have a breakout game based on select statistical criteria that is established using an average baseline and an expectation to exceed that threshold.

Seasonal Futures Probabilities

Seasonal forecasting provides an all-encompassing perspective, encompassing the team’s current win/loss record preceding the upcoming game, anticipated seeding and ranking details derived from standings and performance, and projections regarding the team’s league seeding, contingent on both a win and a loss in the upcoming game.

Odds & Markets

Explore our Odds & Markets Comparison, featuring Quarter 4 predicted spread and total score, alongside a comparison with the posted spread and total score from the top books.


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